Recurring FAQ: Hey? Where’s all the detail on your work? Seems a touch high level no?
Answer: There’s a reason for that: my career has been underpinned by every creative’s favorite golden handcuffs: NDAs. There are extreme limitations on what I can share, but that doesn’t mean I can’t talk more detail 1:1, just reach out.
Denise Schindler, Team Deutschland, Olympic Committee
Design the first digitally manufactured performance prosthetic for use in the Rio Paralympic games, 2016. Identify bottlenecks in prosthetic creation, methods to improve workflows, and solve for the increasing number of prosthetic patients without more prostheticians
Creator, lead, manufacturer, researcher
Worlds first 3D printed prosthetic, 14% lighter than carbon fibre competitor, with equivalent relative strength in application. Reduction of lead time in prosthetic creation from 12 weeks to 48 hours. Winner of multiple design and manufacturing awards. Most importantly, helped Denise win a bronze and silver medal at the Olympic games.
Extensive research first done into current method of creating prosthetics and bioengineering. Documentation of all stages of process captured and digital facsimiles identified. Extensive experimentation into efficacy of proposed digital facsimiles with prostheticians to identify most effective methods of execution. Extensive research and experimentation in various additive manufacturing processes
3 major milestones of design created, with a total of 72 iterations on design. Major milestones printed and shared for testing on bike with Denise Schindler, before final design process locked in for replication from ground up to identify total amount of time required from first meeting with patient to received prosthetic